Planting Into the Night 1
‘Tis the season for all good farmers to come to the aid of their fields. And the Farmer in Chief has been hard at it.
‘Tis the season for all good farmers to come to the aid of their fields. And the Farmer in Chief has been hard at it.
Today we answer the second and final set of 16 great questions from the Creation Care class at Asbury United Methodist Church in Huntsville, Alabama.
We’ve adopted a shorthand here on the farm for the ways we built the barn, and the way we intend to build the lodge. I decided to add this post to describe all that we mean when we say someone should or could use the “Longleaf Breeze Method.”
When we finished the deer fence we agreed that Tractor shouldn’t enter the Veg Hill fence line, because we needed to avoid compacting the soil. But one of our three core principles is that we don’t make allness statements.
Today we answer the first eight of 16 great questions from the Creation Care class at Asbury United Methodist Church in Huntsville, Alabama.
Our niece and nephew Blakeley and Hunter Williams are leading a class at Asbury United Methodist Church in Huntsville on Creation Care, or evangelical environmentalism. They’re interested in what we’re doing at Longleaf Breeze and have given us 16 questions to answer.
I started to call this “Where’s My S–t?” but didn’t want to scare off any obscenity filters.
We will probably have another fire or two. Surely there will be a chilly morning sometime in late April or early May when it will feel good to fire up the wood stove again. But it’s mid-April in central Alabama, and it’s beginning to feel more like summer than winter. […]
I found I was slowly going insane dividing my time between my legal practice and the farm. Reluctantly, I have agreed with Amanda that I need to back off from active decision-making on the farm at least for the time being and focus on Alabama Family Law Center.