First Report on the Horse Pal
This is the season for horse flies in Alabama. Must be a good year for the folks at; I bet they’re selling a lot of Horse Pal traps.
This is the season for horse flies in Alabama. Must be a good year for the folks at; I bet they’re selling a lot of Horse Pal traps.
Like most anyone trying to grow plants, we struggle daily with weeds — tough, tenacious plants that always seem to outmaneuver us and survive our best intentions of wiping them out.
There are some things you need on the farm, and you buy them, like the fencing pliers I bought at True Value a couple of weeks ago, and like that chipper/mulcher Amanda and I gave each other for our anniversary. I owe you a description of the chipper, and it […]
We’ve been using the deer fence since April, so it’s time to reflect on how it’s performing.
After what seems like a lifetime of disruption, the drip irrigation system is in and working, and yes, we think it’s worth it.
The drip irrigation system is in and working. Now we can take time to do some calculations.
We set out drip tape late this weekend on all of the west side of Veg Hill and the line of blueberries north of the barn. Let’s just get this out of the way: drip irrigation is a MARVELOUS thing.
We have 12 blueberry bushes just a few steps away from our front door. And to the surprise of both of us, they’re actually producing sweet, juicy blueberries the first year!
First we bought three, then two more, then four more. I’m speaking of those five-gallon buckets that Home Depot sells for $2.34 apiece.