Japanese Maple Grafting Party 1
Neither Amanda nor I is all that excited about Japanese maples. We see them as a pretty and relatively harmless diversion from the key task at hand, that of becoming resilient by learning to grow food.
Neither Amanda nor I is all that excited about Japanese maples. We see them as a pretty and relatively harmless diversion from the key task at hand, that of becoming resilient by learning to grow food.
We’ve planted 84 trees this spring. After another three that are on the way, the count will be 87. Still to come: erosion control and orchard floor, trellis lines, deer fence, drip irrigation, mulch, and pruning.
It wasn’t for lack of space. If we had been willing to cut down more trees, we could have made the orchard as massive as we wanted it to be. We settled on a south-facing slightly inclined hillside space of about 2/3 acre because it was the logical place to […]
After weeks of cold, blustery rain, we’re enjoying several days of warm, sunny, DRY weather, just what the orchard doctor ordered. We planted 14 blackberries, three plums, and two peaches yesterday, and we’re hoping to get even more trees in the ground today.
We were excited about the progress clearing for our orchard expansion, but that was before we saw what a massive rainfall can do to loose soil.
My brother Dave Gray and his bulldozer arrived this weekend. All of a sudden things started happening on the Orchard Expansion!
We discovered Sad Longleaf the first time we walked on the east side of the property we would later purchase and call Longleaf Breeze. It was love at first sight.