We’ve talked before about our clothesline, but we’ve never listed the lessons we’ve learned about using it. That’s the focus of today’s program.
We’ve been using our clothesline a little more than three years now, and we count ourselves pretty knowledgeable about when it works well and when it doesn’t. Here are some of the principles we’ve learned:
- Build it as close as possible to where you live and wash your clothes.
- You’ll dry more loads per day in summer than in winter
- Learn to make the most of “good drying days”
- Store your clothespins indoors
- You’re going to need to be at least somewhat flexible about when you do laundry. It just won’t work to save it all up for Friday night!
- Clothes, sheets, and towels feel and smell different when dried on the line. You’ll either love it or hate it. We love it.
- Shop for a washer that wrings clothes really dry. It’s the smartest money you’ll spend.
Finally, and this is the best part, you’re going to save a LOT of money drying your clothes on a clothesline. Electric dryers use gobs of electricity, and gas dryers use gobs of gas. We’re paying for all our drip irrigation now with the money we were spending on the dryer.