It’s amazing how fast your life can turn on you. Ours changed in an instant Friday afternoon when a freak fall while water-skiing damaged the nerve serving Lee’s left arm. We learned just today that the nerve is not torn (the medical term is “avulced”) so now we are brimming with hope that Lee’s use of his arm will return within a period of months. But it’s going to be a long, slow, painful grind.
Today’s program is about our plan to cope with this jarring change in our lives. We’ll lower our standards for general upkeep, Amanda will pitch in to do some of those tasks that have been exclusively Lee’s, Lee will keep doing some things but much more slowly, and we will without embarrassment call on our family and friends when we need their help.
Listen — 19:19
The wonderfully funny show whose name we couldn’t remember is “The Producers,” describing a misguided attempt to make a financial killing with a terrible musical sure to fail, called “Springtime for Hitler.” The plan falls apart, though when the show becomes a surprise hit. The song we were remembering is Keep it Gay.
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In my 20s I wore an elbow-to-fingertips cast for six months. I remember having a job interview during that time, for which I had to put on a tie. The sheer frustration of trying to button my shirt collar and put on a tie using only one hand is something I’ll never forget. So I feel for you, my friend.
I will say that physical therapy can do wonderful things. The ortho surgeon said my thumb would probably be immobile for life, but after a year of exercise (500 reps 3X a day), it did finally loosen up. Patience and persistence are the order of the day!!